Citizenship by Investment

Investing in Antigua

Citizenship by Investment

The Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP) was established following parliamentary assent to the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Regulations 2014.


Antigua and Barbuda


93,219 (2021)


English Language

The Citizenship by Investment Program

The Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP) requires a person to make a significant economic contribution to the Country. In exchange, and subject to stringent application procedures, including thorough background checks, the applicants and their families are granted citizenship. To qualify for citizenship, the primary applicant must be over 18 years of age, meet the application requirements and select one of the following three investment options;

  • A contribution to the National Development Fund (NDF) of a minimum non-refundable amount of US$200,000. Until 31st October 2019, there is a Limited Time Offer (LTO); The threshold for the National Development Fund (NDF) option has been reduced by %50; from US$200,000 to US$100,000 for a family of up to four persons, and from US$250,000 to US$125,000 for a family of five and over. **
  • An investment of at least US$400,000 into one of the approved real estate projects and to be held for a minimum period of 5 years. Until 31st October 2019, there is a Limited Time Offer (LTO); Two (2) applications from related parties can make a joint investment, with each applicant investing a minimum of US $200,000 in order to qualify. 
  • An investment of a minimum of US$1,500,000 directly into an eligible business as a sole investor or a joint investment involving at least 2 persons in an eligible business totalling at least US$5,000,000 and each of those persons individually invests at least US$400,000.

All three investment options are subject to government processing and due diligence fees.


How Am I Ineligible?

Where an applicant has provided false information on his or her application

Anyother Way I may be Ineligible?


  • Where a medical practitioner states that any of the family members is suffering from a contagious disease and/or serious health problems
  • Not having received a free pardon, has at any time previously been convicted in any country of an offence for which the maximum custodial penalty is in excess of six months imprisonment
  • Is the subject of a criminal investigation
  • Is a potential national security risk to Antigua and Barbuda or to any other country
  • Is involved in any activity likely to cause disrepute to Antigua and Barbuda
  • Has been denied a visa to a country with which Antigua and Barbuda has visa-free travel and who has not subsequently obtained a visa to the country that issued the denia


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