About Us

The chamber formation

The Chamber Elites and Workforce

Gaston Brown

Prime Minister

Antigua and Barbuda

Muhammadu Buhari


Federal Republic of Nigeria

Emmanuel Samson


Nigeria Antigua Chamber of Commerce

Gaston Brown

Prime Minister

Antigua and Barbuda


With a mandate from the Prime Minister of Antigua & Barbuda, Hon. Gaston Browne, we were incorporated April of 2018. We are a chamber of commerce tasked with the duty of improving the economy of the beautiful twin island country Antigua and Barbuda and the boisterous country that is the Federal Republic of Nigeria. We do this by promoting investment opportunities either by way of the citizenship by Investment program or by investing in areas of the economy that yield a return on investment. These areas include, International Aviation, Regional Aviation, Real estate, Agriculture, Live stock, Medical Infrastructure, Educational Infrastructure and so on. We encourage imports and exports between Nigeria and Antigua & Barbuda and by extension the 11 countries of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), which will boost our exchange rate and economy by creating more wealth and employment. Becoming a member of the chamber of commerce opens you to a world of financial opportunities and by becoming a citizen, you are opened to the world.

Frame 89

Our Mission

The chamber of commerce is tasked with the duty of improving the economy of Antigua and Barbuda and Nigeria. This is done by promoting investments through CPI and or by investing in areas that yield ROI’s.

Our Vision

The CPI and Investment promotions carried out are targeted to benefit both the investor and Antigua and Barbuda. The Nigeria Antigua Chamber of commerce is our sole representative in the whole Africa.

Chamber President’s Statement

Dear Visitor,
Thank you for taking the time to visit and learn about Nigeria-Antigua & Barbuda Chamber of Commerce. I am Emmanuel A. Samson. President, Nigeria-Antigua & Barbuda Chamber of Commerce. As you scroll through our website you will find many opportunities before you. Opportunities including Aviation, Education, opportunity for International and Local fishing licenses (lobsters, prawns), Medical opportunities, Agriculture and live stock farming as well as oil and gas, Real Estate and all forms of Tourism. Explore, Absorb and I hope you take the opportunities you find interesting.

E. A. Samson


What We Offer

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